Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Requirement of Love

Another Muharram has come, but the mention of the Noble ones is made not once in the mosques of pious believers in North America.

Only few, the happy few, mention Karbala in their Friday sermons. Others willfully ignore the somber events, sidetracking them by claiming they were just another event in Islam's turbulent history. They carry onward, marching to the tune of Islam not knowing how much they owe to those they neglect: the masters of Ihsan, the grandsons of RasulAllah (peace be upon him).

Granted there is probably no ruling making it necessary that the young and old be reminded, even if briefly, of the significance of Karbala. But, is it not the wont of lovers to mention their beloved? And then I remember Habib Ali Jifri's speech.

From Habib Ali Jifri's speech:

Lovers say: "We spent our life long earnings to buy this ticket to visit Makkah and the Prophet"
They say: "No it is not one of the pillars of, rulings, conditions, obligations of Hajj to visit the Prophet"
Lovers say: "Who said our visit is a condition, or ruling of Hajj. It is the condition and obligation of Love. Something you do not understand"

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