Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Imam Al-Hasan

People of the House, God only desires to put away from you abomination and to cleanse you
- Quran 33:33

Say: ‘I do not ask of you any reward for it, except the affection for [my] kinsfolk.

- Quran 42:23

His grandfather, Abu Talib, protected the orphan Messenger; his father, Ali, supported the Chosen One. His mother, Al Batul, was the beloved daughter of the Messenger of God, the apple of his eye. Her concern for her father's well-being earned her the name Umm Abi-ha (the mother of her father). Such is the glorious lineage of Al-Hasan, the one whose childhood mount was the Messenger of God, and his most favorite friend too.

Moses's miracle was the separation of the seas; Imam Al-Hasan's was the merging of Islam's two seas. His aversion to bloodshed and suffering, his loving care for his grandfather's community, paved the way for peace and harmony in Islam's new society.  He is the leader of youth in 
Paradise. For his soul purified, a gift of his Creator, he is celebrated in Paradise.

Blinded by envy, his station some could not perceive. They worked mighty hard in increasing his suffering; yet, as always his response was a heart melting smile. His enemies, he would make devotees; for whose heart would not melt out of shame upon Al-Hasan's response?

Dignified and upright, he lived a life of chivalry; at death he forgave his enemy.  His last wish was to be put to rest next to his grandfather, and with this Aisha, the mother of true believers, was well pleased.

Alas! even at death the envious would not halt their venomous froth. Marwan the 
Moron, a title well deserved and hard earned, resisted attempts to put to rest the noble Al-Hasan.

How could one separate a part from the whole? How could one deny burial in paradise to one whose title is the Prince of Paradise?
Paradise aches for his attention; paradise itself desires Al-Hasan. 

- Khaadim

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