Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Peace be upon him.

A fair skinned one by whose face rainclouds are sought,
A caretaker of the orphans and protector for the widows.
With him the clan of Hashim seek refuge from calamities,
For they possess in him immense favor and grace.
- Abu Talib's oft recited verse; memorized by Ali Ibn Abi Talib.

Individuals from the backwaters of Arabia had been transmuted by the Alchemist of hearts. The arrival of the Alchemist among them was an honor they had never expected, for they knew they were of no consequence. No craft had they developed; no science they knew. They were lost in their mundane existence of immorality, believing it to be the only reality. And now they had been blessed with a Mercy upon mankind. Such mercy; that if they were to count the blessings emanating from it they would not be able to count them. Mercy upon saints and sinners alike; mercy upon Gabriel the trusty of God.

Each day the Chosen One spent among the tribes of Arabia was a blessed day; each day brought with it a divine manifestation. The Light of the Heavens and the Earth shone brilliantly in the son of Abdul Muttalib. It dazzled and overwhelmed the most able perceivers; falsehood vanished just as night disappears upon the arrival of the Sun, and Truth revealed itself like parting clouds unveil the Sun.

Has any day when mortal was mourned
Equaled the mourning on the day Muhammad died?
-Hassan Ibn Thabit's verse

The day of parting and separation had to arrive; no preparation was sufficient, no time right for those absorbed in the Beloved. But, their Beloved chose to be with his Creator, to stand bewildered in His intimate presence beyond the Lote Tree. He chose Beauty and Beauty chose him. Yet, even in his parting from the world lay hidden a blessing for his community for he prepared the way forward for them.

The world was lost in the love of the Chosen One as it had been informed to Halima when she went looking for the young one: Do not worry - he is not lost to you! The whole world will be lost in him! Thus, the moths of the Chosen One, the ones completely lost in his love were distraught and broken hearted at the departing of him from the material world. Like his camel they too ran away from society into the empty desert to mourn their loss.

The nightingale of the Chosen One, freed by the truthful one, Bilal the melodious, sang no more. His grief was as deep as his love for him, it was unbearable and incurable. The only medicine was union. And, thus, in his deathbed when the world said  "O what sorrow!"; his ecstatic response was "O what joy! I shall meet Muhammad and his party"

To newcomers who asked of him, Ali, the Lion of God, would respond: we never saw, before him or after him, the like of him. This was description enough, for who could describe Beauty?

Peace and blessings be upon him, his family, and his companions.


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